Phoenix Contact UAB permanent representative office in Latvia has joined the Latvian Electrical Material Wholesalers Association LEVA

Arnis Čuba
Area Sales, LATVIA
Ulbrokas 23, Riga,LV-1021
Mob.: +371 26363873
E-mail: [email protected]
Prysmian Group participated in the large-scale renovation project of the Lääne-Harju railway line
The member of Latvian Electrical Material Wholesalers' Association (LEVA) "Prysmian Group Baltics" participated in the large-scale renovation project of the Lääne-Harju railway line
Prysmian Group, known in Estonia primarily as a manufacturer of construction and network cables, is also a very strong player in the sector of infrastructure cables. The company participated in the recently completed large-scale renovation project of the Lääne-Harju railway lines and is preparing and contributing to the future – currently the most exciting project in the region is Rail Baltica.
“Railway is not just sleepers and rails, but it also includes very important infrastructure that allows the railway to operate. It is interesting that, while about 150 years ago, 400 kilometres of railway could be completed in a few years, with today’s technology it takes much more time because the projects are very complex. The railway includes traffic lights, counters, track routings and information panels, which are connected with the help of cables in one way or another. All to ensure railway safety!” explains Andero Hännikäinen, sales manager of the industrial segment of Prysmian Group Baltics AS.
He adds that there are many nuances and special solutions in railway projects, in which Prysmian Group has years of experience. “A cable is not just a cable that fits everywhere! For some projects, well-known cables are suitable, while for other projects we have to look for more specific cables in our portfolio, but sometimes no suitable cable has been produced yet and in this case, it is worth asking us for custom solutions. We keep an eye on the development of railways in Estonia and the rest of the world, and the construction of railways fits perfectly with our sustainability principles, meaning that trains are definitely an environmentally sustainable mode of transport that is worth developing. We welcome the plans to have the train run between Tartu and Riga and to develop Rail Baltica, which will open up better logistics opportunities for us to Europe.”
The focus of Prysmian Group is to provide innovative solutions for railway projects and to definitely serve more local developments than before. “As rapid urbanisation continues, public transport needs to adapt, and in addition to the infrastructure problems arising from the development of cities, the railway industry must take into account the growing expectations of customers and the rapid development of technology,” says Hännikäinen. “Railway systems have gone through an intensive period of modernisation over the years. Developments require cables with ever higher performance, reliability and safety.”
Prysmian Group has 25 product development centres around the world, where various materials and products are constantly being developed. The company offers medium and low voltage power, communication, control and signalling cables, fibre optic cables, data cables, armoured, shielded, halogen-free and vibration-free cables and a wide range of products to meet the requirements of various specifications in different regions of the world.
The renovation of the Lääne-Harju railway lines was the first railway cooperation project of that size in Estonia for the company. Prysmian Group partnered with AS Eesti Raudtee, the contracting authority, and Mipro Oy, the contract winner, to modernise the traffic control system of the Lääne-Harju railway lines for € 16.5 million. The aim of the project was to make railway management, operation and traffic control as efficient, safe and automated as possible.
The contract partner, the Finnish family company Mipro Oy, has been operating in the field of railway systems and safety in Finland for several decades; the contract for the modernisation of the Lääne Harju traffic control system was the first for the company on this side of the gulf. In addition to railway motion control systems, 150 employees are actively engaged in the field of energy system automation and wastewater systems.
According to Margus Tali, member of the management board of Mipro Eesti OÜ, the company offers tailor-made and turnkey solutions (both hardware and software) for automation systems and railway traffic control systems, starting from the design and supply of materials and equipment to the testing and commissioning of projects. “To date, we have launched seven modern microprocessor-based control systems for centralised power supply to railway stations in Estonia, and as a new solution, we introduced four-signal automatic blocking between two stations in Estonia. Such a system will also allow trains to travel in the opposite direction based on virtual signals,” he explains. “Technology is developing fast, so it’s great to have partners like Prysmian Group who can keep up with us.”
Tali adds that cooperation with Prysmian Group has been very good. “We worked together to build rail motion systems and have taught each other new things. The great thing is that they have a separate department specialising in railway cables, and you can communicate with Prysmian in Estonian and, if necessary, exchange technical information directly with the factory and get a quick solution to any question. Competition in the market is absolutely there, but Prysmian Group is at such a good level that it was possible to negotiate with them even when it was necessary to receive some products faster than planned.”
According to Hännikäinen, the project fell on hard times when supply chains were affected by the corona pandemic and the war. “But we managed. Our advantage is also that, depending on the situation, we can use different factories of the group and change production between units, without bothering customers with these problems. There tends to be a lot of unexpectedness built into long-term projects and, in our experience, even more so in railway construction and wind farms than in general construction. But our trump cards are local representation and international backing. We are local, we know the market and can quickly respond to various questions and changing needs.”
The article was published in and
Guidelines for the installation of photovoltaic systems Solar PV

LEEA certification center has created Guidelines for the installation of photovoltaic systems (within microgeneration)
Actual relevant Standardization updates from 25th of July 2023
We are pleased to inform you that I inform you that on 25.07.2023 The Ministry of Economics approved additions to the list of applicable standards (PSS), which refer to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation of June 9, 2015 No. 294 "Rules on the fulfillment of the requirements of the Latvian building code LBN 261-15 "Internal electrical installation of buildings"".
The information is published on the LVS website, under the
Legislation>Applicable standards tab.
Detailed information can be found: open the applicable
standards, then, typing LBN 261-15 in the search engine, which opens a tab listing
the approvals of the Ministry of Economy.
The latest additions prepared by LEVA and LVS are covered by the entry dated 25.07.2023. The list of all supplemented standards can be viewed on 25.07.2023.list of standards (tab <Related Standards>).
We would like to draw attention to the fact that
21.12.2015 is also included here. amendments/corrections of the standards
included in the list and their canceled editions replaced with new ones.
It remains in effect on 21.12.2015. the list approved by the Ministry of
Economics 411-1-10223(3), which can be viewed on 21.12.2015. list of standards,
(tab <Related Standards>)
In force: The Standard LVS EN 13501-6+A1:2023 "Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 6: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests on power, control and communication cables"
On April 20, of this year, a European standard was registered as a Latvian standard (LVS), including:
• LVS EN 13501-6+A1:2023 "Classification of building structures and building elements according to their reaction to fire. Part 6: Classification, using fire reaction test data of power, control, and communication cables"
On the other hand, this year on May 18, LVS also registered the Latvian Translation of the above European standard:
• LVS EN 13501-6+A1:2023 L“Būvkonstrukciju un būvelementu klasifikācija pēc to ugunsreakcijas. 6.daļa: Klasifikācija, pielietojot spēka, vadības un sakaru kabeļu ugunsreakcijas testu datus”
UTU Powel SIA has joined the Latvian Electrical material Wholesalers Association LEVA
UTU Powel SIA has joined the Latvian Electrical Materials Wholesalers Association LEVA
UTU group brings together the best brands. UTU's partners are well-known and recognized quality suppliers in their product field. UTU Powel SIA stores and sells the highest quality electrotechnical materials and solutions. Together with reliable business partners, the company focuses on customer training and full service. The goal of UTU is to establish long-term cooperation with clients. The professional UTU team is ready to help you find the most suitable, economical and technical solution for your needs.
The friendly and professional team of UTU is well-known in Latvia for its unlimited work abilities in the sale and maintenance of electrotechnical materials:
- Distribution cabinets, modular devices, cable ducts, wiring accessories, other electrotechnical components;
- Power electronics products - UPS, AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC equipment, voltage stabilizers;
- Medium voltage and low voltage installations and equipment.
UTU Powel SIA belongs to the UTU group. UTU Group is a Finnish family-owned company founded in 1919. "We are a Nordic player in the electricity industry with the heart of a Finnish family business," began UTU.
Subsidiary companies of the UTU Group operate in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. In total, 170 employees work in the UTU group. In 2021, the net turnover of the UTU group increased to 48 million euros.
More about our members >
Actual relevant Standardization updates from 20th of February 2023
A brief update on the actual Latvian building electrical installation Regulations and the Applicable Standards
A brief update on the actual Latvian building electrical installation Regulations and the Applicable Standards
MEKA Pro Oy has joined the Latvian Electrical material Wholesalers Association LEVA

MEKA Pro Oy has joined the Latvian Electrical material Wholesalers Association LEVA
For more than twenty years, the company «Meka Pro Oy» («MEKA®») has been providing its customers with high-quality and competitive metal cable-bearing structures for various construction objects.
«MEKA®» Pro Oy cable-carrying systems are known in many countries, as they have been supplied to many projects in various parts of the world
This family business was founded in 1953. Meka Pro Oy is a renowned family company specializing in the production and sale of high quality cable support systems.
Meka Pro Oy is one of the leading manufacturers of cable support systems in the Nordic countries. Meka Pro Oy's production facility and head office are located in Oulu, while sales offices are located in Vantaa and Turku. MEKA® products are also represented in Sweden and the Baltic countries
Meka Pro Oy's strengths are strong competence in product development, the most advanced production technology in the industry, high quality levels, efficient logistics operations and customer orientation.
Schneider Electric Latvija SIA has joined the Latvian Electrical Wholesalers Association LEVA

Schneider Electric Latvija SIA has joined the Latvian Electrical Wholesalers Association LEVA
More about our members >
On September 8, 2022, the national standard LVS 1073:2022 "Lightning protection systems in the natural gas distribution and user system" was published
On September 8, 2022, the national standard LVS 1073:2022 "Lightning protection systems in the natural gas distribution and user system" was published, which was approved by LVS/STK 1 "Heat, gas and water technology" and which was also developed by STK 48 "Lightning protection and surge protection" experts
LVS 1073:2022 is a new national standard that sets requirements for designers, builders and system operators when implementing the protection of structures (gas pipelines and gas regulation equipment) against damage caused by lightning discharges with a lightning protection system, and protection from dangerous tangential voltages and step voltages in the vicinity of lightning protection systems. Informative appendices provide examples of lightning protection system design for various objects, including gas boiler houses on building roofs.
This standard is available in the online standards reading room for certified construction professionals.
The standard can be purchased in the LVS e-store (free preview pages, i.e. table of contents, scope, regulatory information here:
Cable CPR classes working group

We would like to inform you that the work on the improvement of the Latvian regulatory framework is successfully underway, determining which fire reaction class cables should be used depending on the fire safety requirements set for the construction. It is planned to include the regulation in LBN 201-15.
On 2021 May 19. the 3rd working group meetings have already taken place, which works on the instructions of the Latvian Construction Council of the Ministry of Economics.
The Working Group has been established to find the best solutions for the improvement of the construction regulatory framework, in the field of fire safety of people and property in the event of internal cable and wiring fire in building products, taking into account the requirements of the EU Construction Regulation (or CPR).
The working group consists of 17 experts in the fields of design, construction, electricity, fire safety, standardization, and regulation.
The work of the group is coordinated by the representatives of the electricity industry associations from LEVA together with the Latvian Association of Electricians and Energy Builders LEEA
The standard LVS 1062: 2020 is published

On December 30, 2020, the standard LVS 1062: 2020 “Low Voltage Round Electrical Cables of Rated Voltages up to and including 450/750 V with special fire performance requirements (halogen-free insulation). Requirements for construction and performance" was developed and approved by the LVS standardization technical committee LVS / STK 51 “Electrical Power Engineering” was registered.
Communication with The Latvian Traders Association LTA has been established
Communication with The Latvian Traders Association (LTA) has been established
LEVA communication with the Latvian Traders (Merchants) Association (LTA) has been established
The Latvian Traders Association (LTA) was founded in 1912 and was re-established in 1994 and currently consists of more than 600 entrepreneurs engaged in trade, catering, and services on a voluntary basis. The purpose of the association is to contribute to the strengthening and development of companies of their members.
Meetings were held with the president of the LTA, Henrik Danusēvičs.
The Parties discussed the legislative framework and supervision of the trade sector in the field of Energomizing and issues relating to Natural Resources and VAT taxes as of 2021.
The Parties will agree on the need for closer cooperation and training for shop lighting standards and good practices.
Communication with Latvian Construction Engineers Union Management has been established

Communication with the Union of Latvian Construction Engineers has been established
Latvian Construction Engineers Union (LBS) is a voluntary, professional public organisation that combines more than 750 civil engineers and operates in the Republic of Latvia. LBS members are engineers, constructors, architects, road and bridge specialists. For the last 12 years, LBS has been issuing a practical road map magazine for construction "Būvinženieris". Key topics cover the following: Industry News, Technology and Construction, Law, Rules, and Requirements, Disclosure in Construction, Interviews, Stories of Construction and People in Latvia and Foreign States.
Meetings were held with the Executive Director of Latvian Construction Engineers Union Ilmars Leikums, and Vice-Chairman of the Board Artis Dzirkalis
The Parties discussed the actualities of Latvia's Construction Industry in legislative and taxation legislation matters
Communication with Partnership of Latvian Constructors has been established
LEVA communication with Partnership of Latvian Constructors was established
The Partnership of Latvian Constructors is an independent public organization comprised of twenty-five largest building contractors in Latvia, whose total turnover equals to around 300 million euros per year. The organization’s goal is to facilitate a sustainable construction industry, based on safety, quality, long-term development, and industry competitiveness.
Meetings were held with Gints Miķeļsons, the head of the Latvian Constructors'Partnership
The parties discussed topical issues in the Latvian construction sector in terms of legislation and taxation.
Communication with LUA's Management has been established

Europacable latest video

High performance #cables save lives!
Watch Europacable latest video on ConstructionProductsRegulation CPR
Communication with LAA has been established

Established communication with LAA - Latvian Association of Insurers.
There was a meeting with the President of the Latvian Insurance Association Janis Abashin.
The Parties expressed their opinion on the necessity of adjusting the Latvian building codes "Electrical wiring in buildings" in order to reduce the risk of fire in property and in cases of fire in the event of a disaster caused by wiring, electrical equipment, and electrical appliances.
The parties have consensus - it is extremely important to make the necessary measures in a qualitative and quick manner to reduce the Causes of Fire, related to the electrical installation.
An appropriate legislative and regulatory framework needs to be put in place and updated.
LEVA - Latvian Electrical Wholesalers Association expressed readiness to assist LAA - Latvian Insurers Association in creating brochure content for building owners and organizing seminars for Latvian Insurers Association specialists who should pay attention on how exacltly to reduce the Causes of Fire, related to the electrical installation.
4 steps to test cables CPR compliance
